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Список лекарств с перечислением их действия и ингредиентов (украдено с просторов Инета)

Ampicillex by Aquatronics (USA) - Ampicillin trihydrate. Treats: bacterial infections.

Aquarium Care Fin Rot by NT Labs (UK) - Acriflavine, aminoacridine hydrocloride, and formaldehyde. Treats: flukes and external bacterial infections in freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium Care Fungus by NT Labs (UK) - Malachite green. Treats: fungal and ectoparasite infections in freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium Doctor: MM2 by Tap (UK) - Coppper sulphate, malachite green, polyvinylpyrrolidone and ooagnic sulphur. Treats: external bacterial, oodinum (coral fish disease), and fungal infections in marine fish.
Note: Harmful to inverts.

Aquarium Doctor: FC11 by Tap (UK) - Acriflavine, EDTA, silver, copper, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and organic sulphur. Treats: external bacterial infections in marine fish.

Aquarium Doctor: WSP by Tap (UK) - Formaldehyde, malachite green, methylene blue, para rosaniline, and sodium chloride. Treats: protozoal infections and flukes in freshwater and marine fish.
Note: Harmful to mormynids use half dose if marine inverts present.

Aquarium Doctor: BSB by Tap (UK) - Acriflavine, hydrochloride and malachite green. Treats: external bacterial and fungal infections in freshwater and marine fish.

Bactocide by NT Labs (UK) - Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, hydrochloride, and formaldehyde. Treats: external bacterial, oodinum (coral fish disease), and flukes in freshwater and marine fish.

Baktopur by Sera (Europe/USA) - Acriflavine, 1.3-butylglycol, and methylene blue. Treats: external bacterial infections in freshwater fish.
Note: Harmful to nitrifying bacteria.

Baktopur Direct by Sera (Europe/US) - Nifurprinol. Treats: internal and external bacterial infections in freshwater and marine fish.
Note: Harmful to inverts.

Bettamax by Aquatronics (USA) - Nitrofurazone, methylene blue, sodium chloride, sulphamethazine, sulphadiazine, and sulphamerazine. Treats: bacterial infections in Bettas.

BGDX by Argent (USA) - chloramine-T. Treats: bacterial gill infections.

Chloramine T by Vertark (UK) - Chloramine T. Treats: external bacterial, protozoa (ICH), and flukes in cold freshwater fish.
Note: higher dose needed for high pH/KH.

Clear-Ich by Aquatronics (USA) - Quinine monohydrochloride, gentian violet, sodium chloride, and diatomaceous earth. Treats: ich.

Clout by Aquarium (USA) - 4-p-Dimethylamino-o-phenylbenzylidene-2.5cyclohexadien-1-xylidenedimethyl ammonium chloride and dimethyl. Treats: ectoparasite infections.
Note: Use cautiously with lionfish, piranha and marine sharks. Do not overdose.

Contra Spot by Tetra (UK) - Formeldehyde, malachite green, and carbinolhydrochloride.

Costapur by Sera (Europe/USA) - Malachite Green. Treats: protozoal infections (ich, costia, chilodonerlla) in freshwater and marine fish.
Note: Harmful to marine inverts.

Cyprinopur by Sera (Europe/USA) - 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol, ethanol and phenol. Used for open wounds and ulcers in pond fish.

Cyptopur by Sera (Europe/USA) - 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol. Treats: protozoal infections (cryptocaryon) in marine fish.

Diseasolve Aquarium Antiseptic by NT Labs (UK) - Acriflavine and methylene blue. Treats: external bacterial and protozoal infections in tropical freshwater fish.

Diseasolve For Ponds by NT Labs (UK) - Acriflavine and methylene blue. Treats: external bacterial and ectoparasite infections in Koi & other carp.

Ectopur by Sera (Europe/USA) - Sodium borate, sodium chloride, and sodium perborate. Treats: ectoparasite and fungal infections in freshwater and marine fish.

Fin Rot Terminator by Sinclair (UK) - Silver protenate. Treats: external bacterial infections in freshwater fish.
Note: Best effects at 16-27C.

Flubenol 15 by ? (?) - Flubendazole (produced from flubenol. Premix containing flubendazole 50%). Treats: flukes, camulanus worms, tapeworms, and other internal parasites.
Note: WILL kill snails.

Fluke Tabs by Aquarium (USA) - Trichlorfon and mebendazole. Treats: tapeworms, copepods, flukes, fish lice, and vapillaria.

Formalachite by PPI (UK) - Formaldehyde and malachite green. Treats: protozoal infections (ich, costia, trichodina) and flukes in cold freshwater fish.

Formalin by PPI (UK) - Formaldehyde. Treats: protozoal (ich, costia, trichodina) and fluke infections in cold freshwater fish.

Formalite 1 by Aquatronics (USA) - Formaldehyde, malchite green and copper sulphate. Treats: ectoparasite infections.

Formalite 2 by Aquatronics (USA) - Formaldehyde, copper, and nickel sulphate. Treats: ectoparasite infections.

Fungi Cure by Aquarium (USA) - Victoria green, green band, and neutroflavins. Treats: fungal infections.

Fungus Clear Tabs Tank Buddies by Jungle Labs (US) - Nitrofurazone, furazolidone, potassium dichromate. Treats: furunculosis (open red sores), cloudy eye, popeye, and swim bladder disease.

Fungus Guard by Jungle (USA) - Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, triethyelene glycol, EDTA, methylene blue, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and nitromersol acriflavine. Treats: fungal infections.

Fungistop by Tetra (UK) - Silver collid and mentanii yellow.

Furazone Green by various makers (USA) - Methylene blue, nitrofurazone, and furazolidine. Treats: external bacterial and fungal infections.

General Cure by Aquarium (USA) - Metronidazole, copper sulphate, and trichlorfon.

General Tonic by Tetra (UK) - Ethacridine-lactate, acriflavine, methylene blue, and 9-aminocridine-hydrocloride.

Ick Clear Tabs Tank Buddies by Jungle Labs (US) - Victoria green and acriflavine. Treats: ich.

Ich Guard by Jungle (USA) - Triethylene glycol, victoria green, nitromersal, and acriflavin.
Note: Use for Ich - not to be used with scaleless fish.

Ich Guard 2 by Jungle (USA) - Formalin, carmisine red, triethylene glycol, victoria green, sodium hydroxide, nitromersal, and acriflavin.
Note: Use for ick in scaleless fish.

Kanamycin by Aquatrol (USA) - Kanamycin sulphate. Treats: bacterial infections.

Metrozol by Aquatrol (USA) - Metronidazole. Treats: Hole in the Head disease (HITH) and external protozoal infections.

Mycopur by Sera (Europe/USA) - Acriflavine, copper chloride, and copper sulphate. Treats: flukes and fungal infections in tropical freshwater fish.
Note: Harmful to nitrifying bacteria.

Nitrofurazone by Aquatrol (USA) - Nitrofurazone. Treats: bacterial infections.

Omnisan by Sera (Europe/USA) - Malachite green. Treats: fungal and ectoparasite infections in pond fish.

Oodinopur A by Sera (Europe/USA) - Copper chloride and copper sulphate. Treats: protozoal (Oodinum [marine whitespot]) infections in freshwater & marine fish.
Note: Harmful to marine inverts.

Paracide by NT Labs (UK) - Citric acid, cupric sulphate, and formaldehyde. Treats: protozoal and fungal infections in pond fish.
Note: Harmful to inverts.

Paracide Green by Argent (USA) _ p-P-benzylidene-N-N-dimethyalanine and formalin. Used Treats: ectoparasite and fungal infections.

Parasite Clear Tabs Tank Buddies by Jungle Labs (US) - praziquantel; N-[[(N-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbon 1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide; metronidazole; acriflavine.

Internal Parasite Guard by Jungle Labs. Treats: internal parasites, HITH, and bloat. ACTIVE INGRED: sodium chloride, metronidazole. and acriflavine.

Paragon 1 by Aquatronics (USA) - Dibromohydroxymercuriluorescein and malachite green. Treats: ectoparasite infections.

Paragon 2 by Aquatronics (USA) - Metronidazole, neomycin sulphate, furazolidone, naladixic acid, and sodium chloride. Used for a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic treatment.

Prefuran (Furanace) by Argent (USA) - Nifurpirnol. Treats: most bacterial infections, HITH, and sarpolegnia.

Tetrafin Gold Med: goldfish Disease Treatment by Tetra (UK) - Formaldehyde and malachite green oxalate. Treats: flukes, external bacterial, protozoal, and fungal infections in coldwater aquarium fish.

Wormer Plus by ? (UK) - Flubendazole. Treats: intestinal worms, so capillaria (nematoes), tape worms, anchor worms, parasitic flagellates, oodinium (coral fish disease), gill worms (gill flukes or trematoedes), snails, and hydra.

Zeemax by Jungle (USA) - Sodium chloride, nitrofurazone, nitromersol, triethylene glycol, potassium permanganate, and scriflavine. Used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic treatment.
Note: Safe for species sensative to organophosphates.

Coppersafe by Mardel - Chelated copper. Treats: ich, velvet, and other protozoans.

Maracide by Mardel - Anti-parasitic. Treats: Ich (ichthyophthirius), chilodinella, trichodina, gyrodactylus, and velvet.
Note: DO NOT OVERDOSE. ACTIVE INGRED: (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, dibromohydroxymercuriflourescein, aniline green.

Maracyn by Mardel - Erythromycin. Treats: bacterial infections (gram positive and some gram negative).

Maracyn 2 by Mardel - Minocycline. Treats: bacterial infections (gram negative).

Maracyn Tc by Mardel - Broad spectrum antibiotic, effective primarily against gram negative. Treats: popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot, and secondary infections. ACTIVE INGRED: Tetracycline hydrochloride.

Maroxy by Mardel - Anti-fungus. MarOxy successfully controls fungus infections caused by saprolegnia, ichthyosporidium, egg fungus, and related species, and safely controls fungus infections. ACTIVE INGRED: stabilized chlorine oxides (looking for more info on this one).

Trisulfa by Mardel. Treats: fin and tail rot, gill disease, and popeye. TriSulfa can also be used to prevent secondary infections from developing when treating for parasites. ACTIVE INGRED: sodium sulfathiazole, sodium sulfamethazine, and sodium sulfacetamide.

Notes from Mardel on biological filtration: "Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas are recognized as the primary beneficial bacteria present in the biological filtration system of any aquarium. Some drugs which treat fish diseases and parasitic infestations are harmful to these 'good' bacteria. Mardel products have been tested with known strains of these bacteria with no adverse effects noted. When used as directed, they do not interfere with the biological filter.

Anti-Bacteria Medicated Fish Food by Jungle Labs (US) - Aids in control of internal bacterial infections (such as bacterial enteritis, septisemia, kidney disease, wasting), and aids with many external infections, open sores, ulcers, columnaris, and fin rot. Also helps reduce the effects of microsporidian infections such as Pleistophora, the causative agent in neon tetra disease. ACTIVE INGRED: sodium sulfathiazole (2.3%) , nitrofurazone (0.13%)

Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food by Jungle Labs (US) - Aids in control of internal flagellates, trematodes, and cestodes which includes hexamita (hole-in-the-head), spironucleus, intestinal worms, tapeworms and nematodes, e.g. camallanus. ACTIVE INGRED: metrinidazole (1%), praziquantel (0.5%), levamisole (0.4%)

ESHA 2000 (UK) - INGRED: 6.3 mg ethacridine lactate, (AKA: Rivanol, an antibacterial acridine, sometimes used to treat shigella.) 1 mg proflavin, an acridine closely related to acriflavin and used for protozoans (velvet), gram positive bacteria, and fungus. 3.2 mg Copper ++ - Treats: protozoans (ich and velvet). Note: Effective against parasites, but often toxic to fish, espceially in soft water. 0.26 mg methyl orange - a multifunctional product.

Furan2 by Aquarium pharmaceuticals(US) - Wide range of gram positive and gram negative diseases. Treats: furunculosis(aeromonas), dropsy, gill disease, fin and tail rot, black molly disease. ACTIVE INGRED: nitrofurazon, furazolidone, methylene blue trihydrate.

Melafix by API - Rapidly repairs open wounds, damaged fins, red ulcers, and cloudy eyes. INGRED: 1% cajeput oil 1% emulsifier (Crovol PK-70 nonionic emulsifier) 0.2% defoamer (FG-10 by Dow Corning) 97.8% deionized water"
Note: cajeput oil is another name for oil from the tree Melaleuca.

Pimafix by API. Treats: gram negative bacterial and fungal infections. ACTIVE INGRED: Pimenta extract.

Rid Ich+ by Kordon(US/UK) - Ichthyophthirius (whitespot disease), costia trichodina, chilodonella. ACTIVE INGRED: Formaldehyde and zinc-free chloride salt of malachite green. (The zinc-free chloride salt of malachite green is less toxic than malachite green.)

Spectrogram-Aquatronics by (?)(US)- Ultra-wide spectrum antibiotic. Treats: red body patches, hemorrhage, white body slime, protruding scales, bacterial infections, furunculosis, columnaris, and fungal infections. For use in fresh and marine aquariums. Note: Do not use with invertebrates. Great for quarantine tanks and baths. ACTIVE INGRED: nitrofurazone, kanamycin.

Super-Sulfa by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (US) - Wide spectrum antifungal and antibacterial. ACTIVE INGRED: sulfamethazine, sulfathiazole, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, and sodium laurel sulfate.

Triple-Sulfa by Aquarium pharmaceuticals (US) - Broad spectrum anti-bacterial. Treats: cotton mouth, fin and tail rot, furunculosis (aeromonas), body slime, eye cloud. ACTIVE INGRED: sulfamethazine, sulfacetamide, and sulfathiazole.



Garlic Guard by Seachem (US/UK)
Note: Contains allicin, the active ingredient in garlic. Contains Vitamin C for enhanced health benefits.

Garlic Xtreme by Kent (US) Quote from the manufacturer's Website: Nutritious garlic naturally strengthens your fishes' resistance to parasites, fungi, and bacteria - enhances everyday food to entice even the finickiest eaters.
Note: Garlic Xtreme contains no artificial ingredients or steroids.


Biovit by Aqua Medic (US) INGRED: Vitamins B1, B6, B12, E, and other essential elements.

Zoe Freshwater Vitamin Supplement by Kent (US) INGRED: L-Ascorbic Acid 2-Sulfate dipotassium dihydrate, Vitamin A propionate, Vitamin A palmitate, D-Activated animal sterol (vitamin D3), folic acid, choline chloride, niacin, d-Pantothenic Acid, thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, d-biotin, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), menadione sodium bisulfite complex (vitamin K3) in a base containing water, spirulina algae, kelp, ascophyllum nodosum extract, and preservatives.

Zoecon by Kent (US) INGRED: omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.



Aquacure Tetracyline Tabs by Aquarium Science. Treats: gram negative bacteria. ACTIVE INGRED: Tetracyline

Fungal and Bacterial Med by Aquarium Science.

Fungonex by Aquasonic. Treats: fin and tail rot and fungus. ACTIVE INGRED: Acriflavin, malachite green.

Fungus Care by Aqua Master. Treats: fungal problems.

Furan 2 by API. Treats: fungus and bacterial. ACTIVE INGRED: furazolidone, methylene blue, nitrofurazone.

Myxazin by Waterlife. Treats: fin rot, body ulcers, wounds, abrasions, sores, blood streaks, pop eye, cloudy eye. ACTIVE INGRED: Formaldehyde

Pimafix by API. Treats: gram negative bacterial and fungal infections. ACTIVE INGRED: Pimenta Extract

Triple Sulfa Tabs by Wardley. Treats: external bacterial. ACTIVE INGRED: Sulfadimidine, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine.

Triple Sulfa Tabs by Aquarium Science. Treats: external bacteria. ACTIVE INGRED: sulfadiazine, sulfadimidine, sulfamerazine.


Aqua Worm Tabs by Aquarium Science. Treats: gill and body flukes, tapeworms.

Fluke and Tapeworm Tabs by Aqua Master. Treats: body and gill flukes, tapeworms. ACTIVE INGRED: 100ml praziquantel.

Ickaway by Wardleys. Treats: whitespot. ACTIVE INGRED: malachite green, acriflavine.

Para Cide Tabs by Aqua Master. Treats: gill and body flukes, fish lice, anchor worm. ACTIVE INGRED: trichlorfon 20mg.

Protozin by Waterlife. Treats: whitespot, fungus, neon tetra disease, velvet, costiasis, trichodiniasis.

Rapid Whitespot Remedy by Aquamaster. Treats: whitespot. ACTIVE INGRED: formaldehyde, malachite green.

Sterazin by Waterlife. Treats: gill and body flukes, round worm, thread worm, intestinal worms.

White Spot Remedy by Aquarium Science. Treats: whitespot. ACTIVE INGRED: formaldehyde, malachite green.


Bactonex by Aquasonic. Treats: bacterial and parasitic. ACTIVE INGRED: 1.66mg Aminacrine hydrchloride and 0.025mg methylene blue.

Broad Spectrum Antibiotic by Aquarium Science. Treats: bacterial, fungal, parasitic. ACTIVE INGRED: Mafenide hydrochloride, aminacrine hydrochloride, malachite green.

Fungus Ade by Wardley. Treats: fungal infections, fin and tail rot(columnaris disease). ACTIVE INGRED: Acriflavin, malachite green, formalin.

Multi Cure by Aqua Master. Treats: whitespot, velvet, fungal. ACTIVE INGRED: malchite green, methylene blue, acriflavine.

Multi purpose Remedy by Aquarium Science. Treats: whitespot, fungus, fin and tail rot, velvet. ACTIVE INGRED:

Promethyasil by Wardley. Treats: bacterial, parasitic. ACTIVE INGRED: Mafenide hydrochloride, aminacrine hydrochloride, malachite green.


Esha Exit ACTIVE INGRED: diaminoacridine 6.3 mg, veride malachitum 0.31 mg, methylrosanilinii chloridum 0.79 mg, methylthioninii chloridum 3.98 mg ad Aqua. (basically its Acridine, Malachite Green, Meth.Violet, Meth. Blue)

Interpet No. 6 Anti White Spot. ACTIVE INGRED (per 100ml): formaldehyde (4,500mg), malachite green oxalate (50mg)

Interpet No. 8 Anti Fungus and Finrot. ACTIVE INGRED (per 100 ml): phenoxyethanol (40,000mg)

Myxazin by Waterlife. ACTIVE INGRED: formalin

Protozin by Waterlife. ACTIVE INGRED: malachite green, formalin, copper

Sterazin by Waterlife. ACTIVE INGRED: formalin

2009-03-2929/03/2009 04:33:17
Нравится Laureen, Нелена
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353 7
Russian Federation Moscow
15 года

Полезный список, надо бы закрепить. Если б было на русском - совсем хорошо. Оно конечно и так в общем то понятно, только долго вчитываться.

Заметил одну неточность в составе костапура - помимо малахитового в нём ещё и формалин присутствует.

2009-03-2929/03/2009 09:15:12
